Inktober 2020
It’s that time of year again.... INKTOBER! My most favorite time of year!
MY THEME: *Sparkletts*
I collect little bit of inspiration all of the time, little sparkletts. Things that catch my eye that I find beautiful. Lots of flowers. Things my friends and family share on social media, things I see in my day to day. And after I collect them they often sit in my camera roll. For this project I will be using these sparkletts as inspiration.
MY GOALS: Create everyday for the next 30 days. Good, bad, ugly, doesn’t matter, just make something. I am keeping these pieces small (5x7) so that my goal will be easier to attain.
BONUS: 2020 has been a hard year for a lot if people. If a piece isn’t claimed within 24 hours I will drop it in the mail to surprise someone with a special little piece of art. If you would like to possibly receive a little ART MAIL, DM me your address. My way of spreading a little joy and pre holiday cheer. *I promise I will never sell your information to third parties and your address will only be used for sending art from this project.
I hope you will enjoy following along with me for INKTOBER!
Inktober 2020: Day 2!
This *Sparklette* actually sparkles! It has been cloudy and rainy in Italy for the past few days and it has me craving sunshine and warmer days. We haven’t experienced autumn for a few years so this chilly season is new for us.
INKTOBER Day 4: *Sparklette* No. 3
Inspiration: A photo taken by my friend Tammy when she was on vacation in Rome.
5x7, Watercolor and ink on paper
Inktober Day 6: *Sparklette* No. 4
Inspiration: Now for something completely different! Recently on a trip to Murano in Venice I bought this fun little glass pen. I was curious to see how it would draw. The ink is sumi ink that was gifted to me by a friend when we lived in Japan. I enjoyed doing this little study and I am looking forward to doing more like this.
Inktober Day 7: *Sparklette* No. 5
Inspiration: I am loving this glass pen! This was inspired by a photo that my husband’s aunt took 3 years ago. When I said I collect inspiration and it just sits in my camera roll I wasn’t kidding. This project has sparked my interest in trying to license my art. I have been approached a few times about licensing but I have no idea where to even start. Time to do some research.
Inktober Day 9: *Sparklette* No. 6
Inspiration: I am loving the simplicity of this one. I think it would make a fun coloring page. Another photo that has been sitting in my camera roll since 2017.
Inktober Day 13: *Sparklette* No. 7
Inspiration: I think purple Irises are my most favorite thing to draw/ paint. I love the deep purples and the contrast with the yellow. I love the shapes and lines that the petals make. Feel free to spam me with your purple iris pictures 💜 Photo of a purple iris grown by my husband’s Aunt Dana.
Inktober Day 15: *Sparklette* No. 8
Inspiration: A photo shared by an old friend from high school. She shares the prettiest photos of all of the flowers in bloom. Unlike irises, which I love to draw, roses are a lot more challenging for me. They are fussy and complicated. I am not in love with this piece but I have a few more roses as inspiration so I look forward to tackling this subject again. Pro tip for how to know Melinda doesn’t like her painting.... excessive splatter painting.
*Sparklette* No.9
Inspiration: I love Plumerias. They are one of the prettiest smelling flowers and they have such beautiful colors and shapes. This piece was inspired by a photo taken by my friend Robin.
*Sparklette* No. 10
Inspiration: Another beautiful flower grown by @farmwild I do not feel like I did the original justice at all. I loved the colors in the original photo. This one was a struggle for me.…
*Sparklette* No. 11
Inspiration: Another pretty plumeria and the last piece for Inktober 2020. Hopefully a little something to brighten up your day. I am thankful I did Inktober again this year and for the inspiration it brought me. I really enjoyed creating these little pieces.